We had a wonderful Independence Day! In the morning we went to my Dad's ward's pancake breakfast. Here is Cole at the flag raising ceremony. He let me paint his face and let me do paint touch-ups throughout the day. He told me "I'm sacrificing myself for the 4th of July".

It's not all sacrifice though. He enjoyed his chocolate chip pancakes very much.

My sister Amanda and I were talking about how much we love Breanne's sugar cookie, fruit pizza's. They are so delicious! We decided that we needed to make one American flag style. Cole placed all the fruit for us.

And sampled some too. We brought our masterpiece to the family bar-b-que at my grandparent's house.
Which brings me to the fateful drive to my grandparent's. We drove there with Amanda because why not save gas and we enjoy her company:) Her son, Connor, started seeming a little under the weather as we got nearer our destination. Then he started coughing--ooohh you know what kind of coughing I'm talking about (the kind that preceeds vomiting). Then it came, and came and came, right onto Cole!!! Poor little Connor. His clothes and Cole's clothes were completely soiled. Amanda kept driving and Cole and I were both frozen and speechless. Why do I always freeze in these kinds of situations? There's a number of things I could have done here to be helpful but nothing came to mind, except to hide my giggling from Cole and Amanda (Cole just had the funniest look on his face as he sat there staring at his soaked arms.) We finally were able to "re-group" at my grandparent's. Amanda drove Connor straight home and I drove my parent's car to the nearest Wal-Mart to get Cole some new shorts (after convincing my mom it was ok to take Cole to the store in just a shirt and underpants--I mean, come on, it's Wal-Mart. I'm sure the employees there have seen worse than a little boy with no shorts on). Anyway, one shopping trip and just $3 later, we were able to enjoy some BBQ hot dogs.

My favorite part of the 4th...FIREWORKS!!! Cole insisted that we go to the same park we go to every year. I can't blame him, I like keeping up traditions too.

A few days earlier we had a wonderful time visiting Clay's brother Clark and his wife Liesel and their beautiful little baby girl, Maybree. It was so nice to spend time with them and meet their sweet little girl.
Hahahaha That is sooo funny! It would have been fun to see Cole's face. Poooooor Cole! Glad you guys had fun!
Amy, you handle things way better than I do - especially when it comes to vomit. Our cars are all stocked with "vomit bags" in case anyone feels sick. Your 4th sounded fun. Excellent face paint job, too! -Kaelyn
Glad you guys were able to enjoy the 4th afterall. That is so crazy about poor little Connor. Glad Cole wasn't too traumatized. We were so happy you guys came down to spend some time with us! Maybree loves her cousins and Aunt Amy and Uncle Clay. :)
Amy, Thank you for making our 4th of July soooo fun!!!! The "Connor" episode just proves what a sweet patient boy Cole is!! I love that little man!! And his brother "Lucious Lou"!!!!
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