Monday, November 1, 2010

Who do you want to be?

Perhaps no other day forces us to ask ourselves the question, "Who do I want to be?" more than Halloween. The costume options are endless, it's just a matter of finding something that inspires you.

Cole didn't have any trouble deciding to be "Woody" this year. And I think this costume suits him well. We recently saw "Toy Story 3" at the $3.00 theater and in my opinion, it is the best animated film of all time. It so beautifully captured the magic of imaginative childhood play; play that has helped create Cole's very being, his soul, his world! We've been playing a story recently that never ends. Anytime Cole and I have a chance to play he wants to pick up where our story left off. We're only on chapter five, which shows how often we're able to sit down on the bedroom floor with toys, just me and him. It's good that we're pacing oursleves though, as the "chapters" are held to a higher standard than stories Cole and I used to play, say when he was 3. Cole provides a lot of the plot, and amazes me at his ability to incorporate unexpected twists, betrayals, suspense, humor, sentimentality, etc. into the story. Cole is better at adding these components than I am and it takes all my brain power to keep up.

Luke did not really ever have a final decision on what to be for Halloween. Every time we asked him, he would answer something different. To Cole's Halloween parade at school, he dressed in his superman costume. (This is Luke with Cole's buddy, Seth)

I like this picture--"Howdy, little lady!"

Then that night at the Trunk-or-Treat Luke was a lion. But this is just Luke's personality. He is wildly unpredictable and rarely just himself. Throughout the day, I'll mistakenly address him as "Luke", and he'll quickly correct me, no--I'm Buzz, or I'm Superman, or I'm a puppy, or I'm a kitty (said super fast as though it's all one word).


Clay sort of cheated on the dress up thing. For work, he stuck a bloody sword through a couple cereal boxes and carried it around. But I don't think this really reveals anything about his soul.

I didn't dress up. I couldn't think of any good ideas until it was too Cole's Halloween parade I saw the costume, worn by one of the teachers, that made me think to myself, "Ohhhhhh, oh what I would give to wear such a costume as that on this very Halloween. That is who I want to be!" It was Mary Poppins, in all her glory. She even had the umbrella with the bird head handle. Where did she get that I would like to know. The thing is, I wouldn't just love dressing up as Mary Poppins, I would love to be Mary Poppins; beautiful, sweet, practically perfect in every way.


Anonymous said...

Amy, you are Mary Poppins!!!! You are the best little mom, auntie, friend, daughter, a person could ever have!! You are perfect in every way!!!!!!
I love you,

Anonymous said...

Cole makes the perfect Woody!! He looks so handsome! His sweet personality goes right along with Woody! And Luke, What a Cutie-pie!! I love both his customs!!

Breanne said...

Cute costumes!Looks like you had a awesome Halloween!
You should totally dress up like Mary Poppins next year.

Jaime said...

I would have to say you are a TON better then Mary Poppins! U crazy! And it doesn't surprise me that is who you would want to be for halloween. I LOVE the picture of COle by that little girl. SO cute! And Luke, I LOVE seeing the video of him and all the pictures of his different Halloween costumes. He is crazy and has such a great mom