Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brothers together...

Luke's been getting a little scared at night. He told me he wanted me to sleep with him because he was scared. I asked, "What are you scared of?". Luke answered, "I'm scared of anything". Poor sweet little baby. I reminded him that he has big brother Cole right next to him. Then Luke snuggled up so close to Cole that he was practically on top of him.

A while later, I came in to check on them. They were both asleep and snuggled together so sweetly I had to take a picture. (You can also see Luke's favorite stuffed animal that he's been sleeping with every night, "Krystal Fox", and hidden under Cole is his beloved "Teddy".)

I asked Clay if him and his brothers used to cuddle like this :)

Cole made up a little saying that he and Luke both say to each other now:
"Brothers together--be friends forever!"


Clark and Liesel said...

Oh that is so precious! I love that they are the best little friends and that snuggling helps Luke not be afraid. That is so cute!

Rebecca said...

To answer your question about Clay & his brothers...Doug says their dad used to make them kiss when they were fighting with each other.


Jaime said...

SOOOOO cute! What a good brother Cole is to help him out.

Glad you are taking pictures of the beach! Starting to really miss it. Keep taking pictures.

Miss u guys!

Suzanne said...

If they ever did snuggle like that it was purely accidental. They preferred punching each other.