Before Luke came along, our TV rule for Cole was that he could watch one hour of TV a day. But as soon as the morning sickness from my pregnancy with Luke began, TV became a neccessary evil. He still doesn't watch that much, in my opinion. But I have learned that kids are sponges! They are such prime targets for all the advertisements that come on during spongebob commercial breaks. They totally soak it all up. For example:
Cole said to me excitedly, "Mommy, do you know what they're doing with Benda-roos? They're doubling them with your paid order!"
He's also asked me out of the blue, "Mommy, are you 18 or older?"
One day, we were in the car and I started singing, "Everywhere we go-o, people wanna know-o, who we a-are..." (This is how a commercial for frosted flakes starts but that wasn't why I was singing it.) Cole broke in immediately with,
"Tigers are not afraid to get dirty, but they always play clean. They work hard and eat right with Kelloggs Frosted Flakes, part of this nutritious breakfast."
Just the other day, I was unloading the dishwasher and I knew that Clay was the one who had started the dishwasher. I was finding some dishes that weren't very clean looking so I said under my breath, "Oh, Clayton Glade..." Cole heard and said, "No, it's not Clayton Glade's fault. I saw a commercial that said that some dishwasher soaps don't get your dishes totally clean, so someone invented something that does get them totally clean".
Cole has also told me how at McDonald's their giving "customizable spongebob toys" in kidsmeals.
Maybe having him only watch movies would be a good solution.
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13 years ago