Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brothers together...

Luke's been getting a little scared at night. He told me he wanted me to sleep with him because he was scared. I asked, "What are you scared of?". Luke answered, "I'm scared of anything". Poor sweet little baby. I reminded him that he has big brother Cole right next to him. Then Luke snuggled up so close to Cole that he was practically on top of him.

A while later, I came in to check on them. They were both asleep and snuggled together so sweetly I had to take a picture. (You can also see Luke's favorite stuffed animal that he's been sleeping with every night, "Krystal Fox", and hidden under Cole is his beloved "Teddy".)

I asked Clay if him and his brothers used to cuddle like this :)

Cole made up a little saying that he and Luke both say to each other now:
"Brothers together--be friends forever!"

Mostly swinging on the beach

A few weekends ago we went to Clay's parent's house to watch general conference with them. It was delightful as always. And of course we had to take some walks on the beach while we were there.

We certainly weren't expecting to run into this massive thing on the beach. We were all very excited about getting to see it take off into the ocean.

Clay was able to snap some pictures of it going out to sea.

The boys spent a long time on the swings

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Messes I love

I love when cousins come over and have a picnic lunch on the front room floor and then help make dessert by dipping strawberries and raspberries in chocolate (thanks Breanne for the tip) and end up wearing a lot of it

and get little tiny orange and yellow punch-out foamie circles all over the carpet from making candy corn people

and leave behind hand-made costumes from their perfomance and taping of "The Three Little Pigs"

and print off picture after picture of coloring pages that they color so carefully and then write across the top, "To Amy, Love" followed by their name.

We were fortunate enough to have Cole's cousins and my sister over last week to spend the day with us, along with my mom and grandma. We had so much fun with them! After we were done making our messes, we all went to In n out by the airport to welcome my cousin and her husband who had just flown in from Texas. It was great to get to see them, even for just a short time.

And I sure hope these little guys will come visit us again soon. I was seriously so sad to put away the sweet messes from our fun day together.


Wow, time just keeps on ticking, and life just keeps on moving and changing. Here's a couple of recent changes in my family:

My sister, Emily, is expecting! This amazing woman will be the mommy of 6 children!

And, this baby sister, Katie, is getting married in January (in this dress)! This was only the second dress she tried on and she fell in love with it!

Darn it--I had to delete the picture. Katie doesn't want her guy to accidently see her dress before the big day. (Although I'm sure he doesn't spend his time catching up on my blog).